Things Are Loooking Up

After what feels like a very long time everything is finally starting to look more positive. We found a medication to stop the cramps and being able to eat again has meant I’m a lot more mobile! Even able to walk without any aids at all. This has been my second longest episode of being unwell and it’s been really hard. I’ve had to come to terms with how this all may impact my future and find ways to adapt my life so that I can still be fulfilled and ambitious without putting my health at risk.

I’m so grateful for the overwhelming support I’ve received from friends and family, such acts of
kindness really can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Growing up I have always been taught,
never hesitate to do something kind, a message which I try to act on as much as I can. I’ve been
struggling with the idea that I have to do so many things differently to how I would like. I didn’t do as
well in school as I wanted, I can’t meet up with friends as much as I would like. I for one definitely
forget to act on this message of kindness when it comes to myself. I would never judge someone else
by their A level results so why do I find it so easy to judge myself. I am starting a new resolution to be
kind to myself, and to support myself in anyway I can.

My first act of belief in myself was to apply for a college course. I didn’t get what I wanted in school,
so I’m going back and trying again. It doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed at first, it’s the fact that you
keep trying that counts. I’ve also bought myself some fancy compression stockings, just because
something is practical doesn’t mean it can’t be fun too. It is so important to look for the laughter in
everyday. Choosing to find joy in possible mundane things is a conscious choice. You can’t choose
what life will throw at you, but you can choose how you react. (Cheesy I know but the message

With summer coming up and all of the fun body comparison that that brings for a lot of us, try to be
kind to yourself. Treat yourself how you would treat someone else. Our bodies may not be perfect but
they get us through some tough challenges and even if they give up every now and again it is still so
important to care for them. You may not always love yourself, but you should always care.

Strive for what you think you can't achieve, love the things you think you can't and always be kind.

Group of People Doing Cheers


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