New Set Backs

Just a quick update to say I’m not doing so great right now. For one reason or another my body has
decided it no longer wants food. I’m unable to eat more than a couple of mouthfuls with our having
severe stomach cramps, migraines and nausea. This is obviously making me pretty weak since I’m
dropping a lot of weight. My days right now are spent in bed and my energy is all spent on trying to
eat and dealing with the pain I’m getting after eating.

It started off with one and a half weeks of the worst nausea I’ve ever experienced, then a week of
being unbelievably thirsty and being sick. Now after just over two weeks of being almost totally unable
to eat. I’ve got another appointment on Thursday to hopefully be referred to a Gastroenterologist to
find out what’s going on. We’ve tried 3 new medications and nothing seems to be helping yet, fingers
crossed that this either sorts itself out of we figure out what’s happening soon.
Blue Tape Measuring on Clear Glass Square Weighing Scale

Obviously none of this is helping my mobility, I’m pretty weak so I’m glued to my walker and
permanently out of breath. At least the dog is getting plenty of cuddles and he’s certainly happy with
all the extra bits of unfinished food.

This is sometimes just how life with chronic illnesses is, my POTs doctor said this could well be a
POTs related issue, though we still don’t have that as a definite diagnosis. We’ve got around a two
month wait for the tilt table test, and then we’ll know what treatments we can pursue. Trying to keep a
positive outlook and holding my breath for Thursday.


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