Brace Yourself

Thanks to my lovely new knee and ankle supports I now look like I have smurf-leg-itis. Imagine a pair of sequined, electric blue flares and you’ll begin to get an idea of just how visble I am when I wear them!

They aren’t quite part of my usual pastel colour palette, but they do make a difference to my pain
levels so I’ll put up with looking like a low budget Michelin Man. I’ve also finally got round to ordering
a Vogmask, a ‘filtering face mask’ which will hopefully make me feel more relaxed when I leave the
house. When you have a chronic illness you want as much control as possible over what’s going on
around you. This is why it can be really scary to leave the house, you are giving up control over noise
levels, light and other inputs. Aids like a Vogmask will help me to feel more in control and therefore
less anxious,  I won’t have to worry about catching other people’s germs at the hospital or getting
nauseous from smoke when I’m in town. I won't be shopping anytime soon however, I’ll need some
time to regrow the kidney that paid for the surprisingly expensive mask, ankle and knee supports!


I honestly can’t believe the out pouring of love and support I’ve had from friends and family across
the world. So many people have messaged me to say that this blog has helped them to understand
what’s actually going on. My family and I have been in crisis management mode for so long, it’s easy
to get caught up in what’s happening and forget to bring people along with you. It can feel like you are
imposing on their lives with your problems, even though you want them to keep you updated with
what they’re going through, the good and the bad. Only by knowing each others’ demons can we fight
them as a united front. In the immortal words of Bill Withers “We all have pain, we all have sorrow” if
we can lean on each other we all become stronger.

I’m amazed to say that my blog has now been read in the UK, USA, Ireland, France, the Netherlands
and India! All in the space of 48 hours. I never thought this would happen, if I’m brutally honest
(something that will become a theme on this blog), I even expected to regret sharing it. I thought that
I would feel self-conscious because in that oh-so English way I’ve never felt like I should
share my problems, everyone has their lot in life and this is mine. I see now that the opposite is true,
I feel empowered and motivated to keep writing.

Brace yourself, it’s a long road ahead!


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